Hello, Dork Siders! Welcome back to DSOTF and our weekly Star Wars news recap. We call it The Ronto Roundup! That’s right, we’ll be providing you all of the biggest news that you may have missed from the weekend, every Monday morning.
The biggest news from the past few days includes POTENTIAL SPOILERS! THIS IS YOUR WARNING!!!
Ever since British pilot Matthew Myatt discovered the presence of Star Wars during a routine flight last week, all sorts of folks have descended upon the Episode VII filming location at Greenham Common in Berkshire, England.
Star Wars fan Rick Lawrence has provided the internet with dozens of revealing photographs, taken from a distance. There are a few that have emerged that may or may not feature actors Gwendoline Christie and Adam Driver.
You can be the judge, readers…
Is this actress Gwendoline Christie on the set of Episode VII?
This Rebel pilot might just be Adam Driver! Who knows?
If that weren’t enough, Rick Lawrence was also able to snag some actual video footage of a scene being shot, apparently featuring young star John Boyega.
For some pretty exciting video, check out the full report at MakingStarWars.Net.
The incredibly hard working team over at MakingStarWars.Net have unearthed some potential clues as to what we might see in one of the upcoming Star Wars stand-alone movies. One of MSW‘s sources gave them the scoop last week…
From the MSW report:
"“Obi-Wan Kenobi – I’ve heard from quite a few people now that an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie is in the works. For the spin-off movies they were initially going to stay away from any Jedi or Sith characters. But I’m hearing now that because of the popularity of Obi-Wan, that an art team is now working with a writer on concepts for an Obi-Wan movie.”"
This morning, British tabloid site Mirror posted a report that a few more BIG names are rumored to have landed a role in the upcoming Star Wars film.
From the Mirror report:
"Robert Downey Jr., Hugh Jackman and Samuel L. Jackson are set for Star Wars: Episode VII cameos, according to a report. The superstar trio are rumoured to have landed secret roles in the latest installment of the George Lucas-penned franchise after being invited to the set at the Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, along with ‘Paul’ actor Nick Frost. It is thought some of the actors will be forced to appear in the Disney movie in secret to avoid breaching their contract with various other studios."
These rumors are highly unlikely to hold any truth to them. Not only does this report draw attention to the fact that each of these actors are contractually obligated to other studios, but it doesn’t fit into the Star Wars model to simply drop famous actors into cameo roles for simply no reason whatsoever.
If any of this were to come to pass, the Marvel Studios actors would join a long list of other famous Hollywood stars who have been rumored to appear in Episode VII. That list includes Simon Pegg, Benedict Cumberbatch, Kevin Smith and Tom Cruise.
Don’t hold your breath, Dork Siders.
This week has seen the arrival of even more promotional material for the highly anticipated Star Wars Rebels. The folks at Lucasfilm Animation and Disney XD have been pulling out all the stops to insure there are no fans caught unaware when the series premieres on October 3rd.
Enjoy the latest Rebels video from the official Disney site, which features a few familiar mechanical faces:
The official Star Wars site posted a new Rebels promo video last week, focusing on heroes Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren:
More NEWS from the Dork Side:
Don’t forget to check out the weekly Star Wars news recap from our friend Johnamarie Macias, over at The Wookiee Gunner.
For fans who are excited for the upcoming animated series Star Wars Rebels, make sure an visit the Holonet News for some brand new short videos which tie into the show.
The latest episode of popular Star Wars podcast Full of Sith is now available, here.
We’ll have even more NEWS and RUMORS for you later today, Dork Siders! Thanks for checking back with us at DSOTF!
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