Earlier today, Entertainment Weekly posted a new interview with young actor Oscar Isaac. While Isaac is currently promoting his latest film The Two Faces of January, he also discusses his work on the highly anticipated Star Wars: Episode VII.
While speaking with EW‘s Lindsey Bahr, Isaac was quite forthcoming about the new Star Wars movie.
From the EW interview:
"Is being in something as high-profile as Star Wars affecting the kinds of decisions you’re making about your own career going forward? I’ve never been good at those kinds of calculations. It’s more like, if I get something and I read it and I think that there is something to do here or it’s different in some way or, like, that’s a psyche I’d like to inhabit—it’s more about that. It’s impossible to know what you’re going to get, you know? That’s how I look at it.Have you had much interactions with the original trio of Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Mark Hamill on or off-screen? Yeah, I have. Both. They’re such funny people. Carrie is hilarious and doing such cool work. Harrison is back. He went on hiatus for a little while, but he’s 150 percent back. It’s pretty amazing to see him bounce back. He looks incredible. Everyone’s having a really good time. J.J. sets that tone. There’s a lot of enthusiasm and it’s being done with a lot of heart. There’s nothing cynical about the way we’re doing this. Even the in way he’s shooting it—he’s shooting on film and actually building the sets, so you’ve got hundreds of Stormtroopers or whatever, and hundreds of extras and all the ships. You actually see it. It’s all real. Everyone can interact with the world.What do you think of this culture of leaked photos from set and this insatiable hunger for specific details about this new installment? People want to know all those special things and when those iconic moments are going to happen, but if all that gets revealed beforehand I feel like it robs people of that moment when they’re sitting there watching it for the first time.The original Star Wars, of which you’ve said you’re a big fan, are filled with cheesy lines and dialogue which the actors have not shied away from criticizing over the years. How does this compare? Yeah. [Laughs] I’m constantly looking for a cheesy line to say to harken back to the old ones. No, what they’re trying to do and what’s really great is J.J.’s been loosening it up a little bit and trying to make it alive and energized. It’s not formal. They’re messy, energized people. We’ve all intentionally tried to do that. Just make it a little more fiery and messy."
Oscar Isaac has been rumored to play a hero in Episode VII, as well as piloting the Millennium Falcon. Though very few details about the film have been confirmed, it does sound like Isaac will be sharing some screen time with Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, at least according to this latest interview.
For those of you who’ve yet to see any of Isaac‘s work, enjoy this fantastic scene from Inside Llewen Davis which also features Justin Timberlake and Star Wars: Episode VII star Adam Driver:
Also, here’s a clip of The Two Faces of January, followed by an interview with Oscar Isaac that ShortList TV had posted back in May: