George Lucas weighs in on Star Wars: The Force Awakens


On Thursday of last week, during the opening panel of the Star Wars Celebration, J.J. Abrams dropped a huge bombshell in the form of the second Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer. As expected almost anyone and everyone who has seen the masterful work of art, has gone bonkers with excitement.

There was one person who was not reveling in all the new Star Wars excitement, however, and that is the man who started it all, George Lucas. Lucas, who was at the Tribeca Film Festival, talking at an event hosted by Stephen Colbert, was of course asked about The Force Awakens. Colbert is a huge Star Wars fan, and I’m sure he couldn’t help himself.

"“I have seen the first one, I just saw what was on CBS but I’m going to try to look at it. I want to see it on the big screen.”"

Surprisingly, Lucas told Colbert that he has no idea the direction that J.J. Abrams is taking Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He has spoken out in recent interviews, saying that Abrams is the ideal choice for directing the revival of the Star Wars franchise, but to not know how another person is handling your intellectual property, your own creation, you child if you will, seems sort of maddening to me.

"“Well, you know, I hope it’s successful, I hope they do a great job. I’m excited…I have no idea what they’re doing.”"

If I’m J.J. Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy, I’m taking that as high praise…or maybe they should be taking it with a grain of salt. For someone who created this wonderful thing, something that has touched the lives of literally millions of people, to not at the very least be involved with watching cuts of the new film, is almost unnerving.

Regardless of George Lucas’ feelings towards the new movie or J.J. Abrams (and I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for Lucas), if the two trailers that we’ve seen for Star Wars: The Force Awakens are any indication, J.J. Abrams has a masterpiece on his hands, that may very well end-up being one of the better films in the Star Wars franchise. At least I hope so.

Source: E Online

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