The 2015 San Diego Comic-Con is up and running at full speed, and tonight the J.J. Abrams along with Kathleen Kennedy and Lawrence Kasdan will take center stage in Hall H, to bring something new to the Star Wars fans who are sure to pack the room to full capacity. There have been conflicting reports of whether or not new footage from The Force Awakens will be shown. Entertainment Weekly says their source is telling them no, while super nerd and filmmaker Kevin Smith is betting $10k that there will be…at this point, it’s anyone’s guess.
We here at Dork Side of the Force have speculated, quite heavily I might add, that there will be new actors from The Force Awakens brought out on stage. What we mean by new is, actors who’ve not yet spoken to the press or done any interviews about their role in the film. Those actors are:
- Gwendoline Christie — Captain Phasma (Christie will be on hand at the Game of Thrones Panel earlier)
- Andy Serkis — Supreme Leader Snoke
- Domhnall Gleeson — Unnamed First Order officer
- Max von Sidow — Vicar (?)
- Adam Driver — Kylo Ren
Bringing these actors out on stage would go a long way to soothing the outright disappointment that is sure to be felt if in fact no new footage from The Force Awakens is shown. There are other things that could happen as well. An actual full length trailer for Rogue One could be shown. A title given to Star Wars Episode VIII. A Kenobi Anthology film announced starring Ewan McGregor. The official reveal of the Han Solo Anthology and maybe it’s a Boba Fett shared film as well. Lucasfilm could already have their new young Han Solo picked out, and trot him out on stage as well.
These are all things that would definitely make a HUGE impact on the Star Wars Panel tonight, and Dork Side of the Force plans on live-blogging the entire thing. So make sure to stay here with this piece and follow along as we live update all the information coming from San Diego, this evening.
NOTE: This article will be updated live, as the Panel starts at 6:30 p.m. PDT / 9:30 p.m. EST / 8:30 p.m. CST.
Gleeson says he was told that the character was in charge in some way. Abrams confirms the character’s base is called “Starkiller.” Big cheers.
Fan question! Cast: would they choose the light side or dark side? Boyega: “I wouldn’t be involved in any of that. I’d be Han Solo trying to make some money.” Driver: “Dark, dark.”
Christie: “I found it very exciting that underneath that armor is a woman. And it makes it more relevant than ever.”
It was like a flashback…I didn’t think it was going to happen again.” – Carrie Fisher
Hamill: “Without you guys [the fans] we’re nothing.”
Hamill says he’s very moved when he hears from fans — whether they named their son Luke or met their wife at the premiere of Return of the Jedi. He says you don’t often realize the impact you could have on someone’s life.
Brother and sister together again.
Harrison Ford takes the stage!!
não tom bem #StarWars
— on my youth by wayv (@shoutoutomyexo) July 11, 2015
One of the new creatures on the #StarWars panel stage. #sdcc
— InBetweenDrafts (@InBetweenDrafts) July 11, 2015
A Working Alien seen from the Force for Change adds! JJ ABRAMS just announced that he is taking the entire Hall H to a live Star Wars concert! I don’t even know. That’s it. The Panel is over. They leave us with a behind the scenes look.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Comic-Con 2015 Reel via @YouTube #starwars
— Ricardo Dias (@ricardodias_92) July 11, 2015