At this point, information about Star Wars: The Force Awakens can come from any and all media no matter how ridiculous. Whether it’s a press release, a tweet, an offhand comment, a blurry set photo, fans can be sure to gobble it up immediately as canon and overspeculate as to its importance.
But the latest source of spoilers about J.J. Abrams’ movie is not an unexpected one, considering the Star Wars historic ties to iconic toy design. Leaked images of the new Force Awakens Lego sets surfaced on the site From Bricks to Bothans (excellent name) this week, and although they have since been taken down, you can still find them on the Internet pretty easily. Actually, incredibly easily:
LEAKED images of #theForceAwakens X-Wing and Millennium Falcon LEGO sets! (Via FBTB)
— Battlefield News (@bravoINTEL) July 15, 2015
The photo shows off two lego sets, one for Poe Dameron’s black X-Wing, which looks pretty dope, and one for the Millennium Falcon and its crew.
It’s that second one that’s igniting more rumors about a potential new character. Along with listing characters like Hann, Chewie, Finn, Rey and BB-8, the set also includes a character named Tasu Leech as well as an unnamed Kanjiklub Gang Member.
Since these figures are part of the Falcon toy set, we can probably assume that Tasu and a gang member will be on board the Falcon at some point in the film. It also would be plausible that Tasu is the leader of this so-called gang, which, if I had to guess, has come into ownership of the Falcon since Return of the Jedi. That forces Han to reclaim it somehow (leading into the now famous line, “Chewie, we’re home.”)
But just who is playing Leech and this new gang member? In a beautiful display of nerd dedication, several sites are actually guessing which Force Awakens cast member the Lego figure represents by comparing their faces. The general consensus seems to be that Yayan Ruhian, a martial artist who appeared in the balls-to-the-wall action films The Raid: Redemption and The Raid 2, is the likeliest Tasu candidate.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Miltos Yeremoleou, who’s most famous for his brief stint as a swordsman on Game of Thrones, could also play the character, or at least a Kanjiklub gang member.
These casting decision reinforce the idea that in addition to practical effects, the new trilogy will incorporate some impressive martial arts action sequences, based on its casting of several stars from that industry.
Of course, Tasu could also be played by an as-yet unannounced actor, which is a very real possibility.
Stay tuned for more news from Lego playsets and other assorted Star Wars toys.
Next: Is Captain Phasma the Pilot of that Crashed TIE Fighter?