50 Star Wars secrets that will blow your mind

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19. Galactic Empire Symbolism in Revenge Of The Sith

George Lucas is not what you’d call a visionary director. He’s an idea man — something evidenced by the fact that he created Star Wars and helped create Indiana Jones — but he’s not an auteur. Still, he grasps the basic concept of visual cues and symbolism, something that he showed off in 2005’s Revenge of the Sith. 

In the scene where Anakin is being operated on and transformed into Darth Vader, there is an overhead shot that reveals the way the operating table is laid out, and it resembles the Imperial Symbol.

This isn’t earth shattering symbolism, but it at least shows us that Lucas was trying his best to make an actual movie and not just a commercial for the toys he was going to sell afterwords.

Next: 18. Liam Neeson Was Too Tall To Be A Jedi