50 Star Wars secrets that will blow your mind

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8. Paul Walker Almost Played Anakin in Attack Of The Clones

When it was announced that a new Anakin Skywalker was going to be cast for Attack of the Clones, the opportunity presented young actors in Hollywood with a chance to take on a role that could define their career. While the hype after The Phantom Menace wasn’t the greatest, the chance to forever be remembered for Star Wars that was alluring to actors.

One of those actors was the late Paul Walker.

Not only was Walker in the running to play Anakin Skywalker, but he was neck-and-neck with Hayden Christensen to win the role. He also apparently was jonesing to be cast in the part.

"“I was so scared,” he admits. “It was the worst ever. I mean, I wanted it so bad. Who wouldn’t? I grew up with STAR WARS. The conversation wasn’t about anything specific. We never got into how great STAR WARS was or anything. I didn’t want to be THAT guy, because I figured everybody else was going in there with that approach. You know, ‘You don’t understand…I grew up with it!’ As much as I WANTED to do it, I refrained.”"

Folks will attest that Walker might have ben just as bad as Christensen was — but after two movies with Mannequin Skywalker, anything would have been better.

Next: 7. The Debate Over Mark Hamil's Face