UPDATE #1 – After talking to @Empireoffett on Twitter, he confirmed that he was be sarcastic about the cards being fake, and so we are fixing that part of the article. Thanks Fett!
We are less than a month out from September 4 — Force Friday — and it would seem that some unscrupulous folks have been working overtime to produce some fake Star Wars: The Force Awakens merchandise…or have they? Surfacing on Twitter yesterday evening from user @Empireoffett pictures of a pack of Kylo Ren playing cards were on display.
The cover of the pack is what appeared to be fan art…or is it? The picture on the front of the pack, surfaced on Reddit, roughly 10 days ago, under the Fan Art section…then was immediately called into question, as to it’s validity as fan art.
@Empireoffett later posted a picture of the full deck of cards all laid out for our viewing pleasure. Sarcasm about the authenticity is sometimes hard to predict, on the internet.
The question remains, how do we know they are really fake? Do they all fit some sort of fan art found online? If so, this is quite an extensive scam, considering the price is only $3. Apparently there is more to the story, as @Empireoffett has stated that there will be a detailed chronicling of the events on Making Star Wars, which just happens to be one of our favorite go to and most trusted sites for all things leaked and rumored for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. So for now, we will just have to anxiously await that story, as soon as it hits, to which will will update this piece to let you know all the details.
Next: StarWars.com's Interview with Writer of Star Wars: Shattered Empire