New The Force Awakens Character Posters Revealed (Photos)

Four new Star Wars The Force Awakens character posters have been revealed and they look amazing. 

We are still over two months out from the release of The Force Awakens, but that doesn’t mean we can’t dig into the promotional material that is floating around the internet and being released by Disney and LucasFilm. Four new character posters have been released to hype the release of the film — and there’s a few different things to take away here.

On the surface, it’s another look at the characters from the upcoming film, but there’s a deeper level to dig into here — which may be digging too deep but it’s hard to do that with Star Wars.

Check out the character posters below, starting with Kylo Ren:

Here’s a look at Captain Phasma, everyone’s new favorite character:

On the light side of things, Poe Dameron and Rey make appearances on the character posters:

Interestingly enough, there is no poster for Finn — who seems to be getting billed as the Luke Skywalker of this new trilogy of films. Something else that stands out here is the fact that Rey’s poster color is the exact same as Captain Phasma and Kylo Ren — bad guys in the new movie.

Is this just a coincidence or is there deeper meaning to this decision to have a character we’re assuming is on the light side be accosted with the dark side characters on the posters that have been released?

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