Fans Melt Down as Star Wars Breaks The Internet

Last night was a huge night in the Star Wars universe, as the final trailer for The Force Awakens dropped in the middle of Monday Night Football, while tickets went on sale for Episode VII’s opening weekend. It was a test of the emergency backup server system for all ticket seller and movie theater websites. And from the looks of things on Twitter, all of them failed.


Use the force to raise the servers. The power is within you!

Or, you know, not.

Star Trek, eat your heart out.

I think the operative word here is “think.”

For the record, I’m seeing it at the Alamo Drafthouse as well. I gave up last and bought tickets when I woke up this morning.

Ok, fine. That is funny.

But one has to admit, a little frustration makes it all the sweeter when you finally get through…

And if you totally fail, there’s always eBay….

Special note to the Kardiashian clan: when one talks about “breaking the internet,” it does not mean anything unless you actually cause the internet to stop working in a functional manner. I believe in this case, we can all agree that Star Wars in fact succeeded handily in that regard.

Next: A GIF Breakdown of the Final Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer