We rank the 50 Biggest WTF Moments in Star Wars History

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43. Anakin Jumps Out Of The Speeder

Film: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

The Moment: Obi-Wan and Anakin are in hot pursuit of a bounty hunter who had just attempted to kill Padme in her apartment. After they seemingly loose track of her in the vast highways curled around the buildings of Coruscant, Anakin cuts off his master’s rambling lesson about safety by leaping out of their speeder and into the mass of traffic below to land on the bounty hunter’s ship.

Why It’s Memorable: We were still getting used to Anakin as an adult in Episode II, and we had high hopes when it came to watching him a he was before becoming Darth Vader. This was one of the more fun moments we had with the character, and it also highlighted both his wisdom and his carelessness.

Sure, he had located Zam’s ship and was actively solving a problem on the fly — but he didn’t have to do it so literally. This was ultimately the downfall of Anakin, as he didn’t learn to curb that carelessness with more wisdom and instead let it continue to influence his decisions. In a way, this was rambunctious foreshadowing for a character who would let leaps of faith be his downfall in the end.

Next: 42. Droids Can't Be Stopped