Watch — Duracell Battery Star Wars: The Force Awakens Christmas Commercial


Tis the season…well, almost. We are about to enter the month of November, and as the leaves and temperatures turn, many parents are turning their thoughts toward making sure all the bells and whistles for Christmas morning are in place and ready to go. With Christmas comes the need for batteries, of course, but before we open those gifts that need said batteries, the real most wonderful day of the year — December 18 and the theatrical debut of The Force Awakens — will need to have come and gone, and still be fresh on our minds, and with it Star Wars will once again be the most popular toy under the tree.

In that vein, Duracell (remember that talk of batteries?) has released its Christmas commercial, and of course it leans quite heavily on Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Watch it all, but be warned, there may be an unintentional spoiler in there.

So, right off the bat, we’ve got every kid’s dream…every kid that’s seen Star Wars, that is. He’s a Jedi, rescuing his sister with his lightsaber. We’ve got C-3PO with his red arm alongside R2-D2, and then he runs down stairs to where his parents have conveniently placed the always durable Duracell batteries into the shiny new lightsaber, and when he runs out front his sister is dressed as none other than Rey from The Force Awakens…AND SHE USES THE FORCE LIKE A JEDI!

Ooookay…okay, okay. I get it. I do. This is just a commercial for batteries, and not actually leaked footage from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and therefore should not be considered a spoiler because kids use their imaginations. But still…SHE LOOKS LIKE REY AND SHE USES THE FORCE LIKE A JEDI MASTER…okay, I’m done. In all seriousness, the commercial is really well done, and the fight choreography is actually really good, because those snowmen never stood a freaking chance. Like, sign these kids up to be part of Luke’s new Jedi Academy. *wink

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