Lin Manuel Miranda Wrote Cantina Theme for The Force Awakens


Hamilton-heads everywhere just fainted, and then got up and began a hashtag to celebrate: #Force4Ham

For those who are not Broadway nerds, hip hop nerds, or history nerds, you may not have discovered Hamilton yet. But if you’re a Star Wars nerd, you are going to. Because according to J.J. Abrams, after going and seeing a showing of Hamilton, he met with Miranda backstage, who offered to write a song for the soundtrack if Abrams happened to be looking.

“If you need music for the cantina, I’ll write it!” Abrams recalled Miranda saying. Miranda was probably kidding. But when John Williams announced that he didn’t want to write the new song for what Abrams refers to as “our version of cantina scene” (Yes, that is also a huge revelation in and of itself!) he asked Mirandaif he wanted the job.

Miranda confirmed it on Twitter.

The Hamilton heads immediately did the only logical next step: #Force4Hamn, where they take the lyrics of Hamilton and pair it with Star Wars images and gifs. Behold.

Next: Has Jamaal Charles Lost a Step?

If anyone needs me, I’ll be off listening to the Hamilton soundtrack again and coming up with ones of my own.