WATCH: Two new Star Wars: The Force Awakens Extended TV Spots


Disney/Lucasfilm continues to unveil even more television spots for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

At this point, with only 18 days until the worldwide theatrical premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the veritable plethora of trailers, teasers, and televisions for the film, are starting to get to be too much. Just a month ago, most Star Wars fans were lamenting the fact that there was relatively nothing known about the film, especially since there had only been two previous teaser trailers released over a 10 month period of time.

Well, ask and ye shall receive, as Disney and Lucasfilm seemed to have just simply decided to open the floodgates and let the chips fall where they may, as we have two more television spots to show you today. Now, it should be noted, these two are extended versions of two previous spots, but they do have a few new scenes, along with a little more dialogue from Supreme Leader Snoke. First up, a Kylo Ren heavy teaser:

“There has been an awakening. Even you have never faced such a test. It is time.” Andy Serkis in his mysterious motion capture role as Supreme Leader Snoke continues to deliver the perfect Dark Side of the Force lines. Then there’s Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren: “I will show them…the Dark Side.” It almost seems as if his and Snoke’s lines have been sliced and spliced to fit the teaser, and there seems to be much more dialogue between the two that we will have to wait two and a half more weeks to see.

This teaser featured one major change from its predecessor, and that’s the Kylo Ren slow turn to the camera.

Now compare that with the front facing Kylo Ren, and you’ve got a full scene.

This next teaser is BB-8 heavy…and I am super okay with that.

So in this teaser, you have BB-8 being as adorable as possible. There’s also a couple of new scenes with the Millennium Falcon being chased by the elite TIE Fighter and Finn shooting that TIE down. Here’s BB-8 rolling around the Falcon as the heroes escape Jakku:

And finally, here’s Finn shooting the elite TIE out of the sky:

Hopefully — and I sincerely mean this — there won’t be any more new footage shown until the film hits theaters on December 17 and 18. Perhaps Disney and Lucasfilm should have listened to J.J. Abrams whose stance on not showing too much of the film, was actually a best practice that they should adhere too, going forward with the next films.