We rank the 50 best Star Wars characters of all-time

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39. General Hux

Major Appearances

  • Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Best Moment

Hux delivered a powerful speech before the First Order attacked the home of the New Republic in Hosnian Prime. While it was laced with hatred, the speech was a powerful moment for actor Domnhall Gleeson and his character General Hux.

Worst Moment

Under his command, Finn was able to escape the First Order’s stormtrooper corps.


At various points throughout The Force Awakens, Hux and Kylo Ren compete for the approval of Supreme Leader Snoke. Much like Empire officers before him, Hux seems to think Kylo Ren’s dedication to the Force is a weakness, as beliefs in a hokey religion don’t win wars, in his mind. By the end of the film, Hux’s Starkiller base is destroyed, but he is able to warn Snoke and escape with Kylo Ren before it explodes.

Next: 38. Captain Rex