We rank the 50 best Star Wars characters of all-time

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Image from The Force Awakens teaser trailer.

37. Poe Dameron

Major Appearances

  • Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Best Moment

Poe flew his X-Wing into the core of Starkiller base on a strafing run that led to its destruction.

Worst Moment

Poe allowed his concentration on getting to the surface of Jakku to be distracted when he argued with Finn on why he was returning to the planet. As a result, his stolen TIE Fighter crashed.


Poe Dameron was originally not supposed to survive his crash landing on Jakku, however, after speaking with actor Oscar Isaac, The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams decided to create a whole new story-arc for the character. Poe is a hero through and through, and if not for his bravery at Starkiller base, the Resistance would not have triumphed.

Next: 36. Rey