We rank the 50 best Star Wars characters of all-time

40 of 51

12. Chewbacca

Major Appearances

  • Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  • Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
  • Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
  • Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Best Moment

Chewbacca didn’t really venture off on his own much over the course of his time in Star Wars, but he did manage to have more than a few different moments of greatness. One of his best moments was when he banded together with the Ewoks on Endor and helped hijack one of the AT-ST walkers. Chewbacca knows how to get things done, and taking over one of these walkers was a crowning achievement of awesomeness.

Worst Moment

Not all of Chewbacca’s moments were good. One of the low points of his life in the rebellion was when he decided to get everyone captured by the Ewoks by — well, being a Wookie. This ended up being a not so bad thing, but getting tricked into eating a piece of meat almost ended up getting all the good guys in the galaxy cooked for dinner.


For a character that never actually says anything, Chewbacca is a fan favorite in ways that only R2-D2 can really know. Chewie has a lot going for him, as he’s big, cuddly and all around awesome. He’s the sidekick of the coolest guy in the galaxy, he is the only other character who gets to fly the Millennium Falcon and he has a crossbow — what more do you need?

Next: 11. Leia