We rank the 50 best Star Wars characters of all-time

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9. Anakin Skywalker

Major Appearances

  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
  • Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  • Clone Wars

Best Moment

For a guy who was the hero of the galaxy during the Clone Wars, it’s not hard to pick moments where Anakin was a true hero. His brightest moment might have been in Episode I — the version of the character we all loathe. He was just a little kid and he won podrace that probably should have killed him. This version of Anakin might have been annoying but it was also the purest version of him we saw.

Worst Moment

Getting burned alive is a pretty deep low to sink to, but it wasn’t rock bottom for Anakin. He was actually on his way up at that point, but he had already become Darth Vader. Anakin’s worst moment is when he killed Mace Windu, the final act of also killing Anakin Skywalker and everything he once was and promised to be. He became Darth Vader in that moment, and killed both Mace and himself in that moment.


Anakin was someone who was supposed to save the galaxy but ended up plunging it into darkness. But while most of the bad things Anakin did were committed when he had already become Vader, there was good within him that represents all the promise that he once looked to hold.

Next: 8. Yoda