John Williams on Crafting the Music of Star Wars: The Force Awakens has recently published a video interview with living-legend and iconic Star Wars musical composer, John Williams…

In an all new video posted to the YouTube page, Star Wars fans are asked to go behind the scenes of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens soundtrack, as legendary composer John Williams discusses his approach to crafting each unique — yest in some ways familiar — music for the film. Williams happily discusses how the music of The Force Awakens does connect the characters new and classic, to each other, in some instances. Check it out:

"“Having kept up with it this long…I have to say that I just feel very grateful.”"

Going into The Force Awakens, I personally was worried that the musical aspect of the film might get lost in the new and shiny Star Wars film, made for an all new and younger generation. Having watched director J.J. Abrams masterfully breathe life into the Star Trek franchise, in the most unique of ways (using Beastie Boys soundtracks in such a hallowed franchise), I feared we’d have TIE Fighters and X-Wings dogfighting to the musical refrains of “Intergalactic”(which of course is not a bad thing, but may have turned the film from an amazing story-rich film in the Star Wars legacy, into a video game).

I Love how Williams connects certain aspects of “Rey’s Theme” to that of other pieces on the soundtrack, like “The Jedi and Finale” or like how Kylo Ren’s theme music harkens back to Darth Vader’s and the Imperial March. I can’t wait to see what John Williams has in store for Star Wars: Episode VIII.

You can order the Star Wars: The Force Awakens soundtrack from iTunes or whatever digital-downloading service you use, for a single fee for each song…about $1.29, or you can own the entire soundtrack — which I highly suggest that you do — for $11.99.