Can You Name These Star Wars Characters In Three Words?


Can you figure out which Star Wars characters we’re talking about with only three word clues?

ICYMI: In a behind the scenes video from the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blu Ray, John Boyega, AKA Finn, talks about boarding the Millennium Falcon for the first time.

Mark Hamill was asked on Twitter to describe Rey in three words, and he responded with remote, island, trespasser.  Those are all correct descriptions of Rey, even if they aren’t exactly what the person asking the question really wanted. 

Did you really think Mark Hamill was going to describe Rey as “My Secret Daughter?”

Hamill’s description got us thinking though, could we describe Star Wars characters in only three words? Could you all guess the characters we were talking about?

Here’s a list of three word descriptions of Star Wars characters or the actors who played them. See how many you can figure out, and write your answers in the spaces below the questions, then and let us know how many you got right in the comments below.

1 second letter twice


2 guess must you


3 he shot first


4 second language bocce


5 double sided saber


6 royal decoy exploded


7 wants power converters


8 smooth mining administrator


9 told no disintegrations


10 Qui Gon’s apprentice


11 watch his trapdoor


12 Rey found him


13 droid bounty hunter


14 royalty leading resistance


15 it’s a trap


16 this walking carpet


17 flies black one


18 Darth Vader’s Grandson


19 no bad motivator


20 the worst ever


How do you think you did? We’ll post the answers tomorrow!

If you got 1-5 you’re just a scavenger.

A score of 6-10 means you’re a Padawan.

An impressive 11-15 and you’re a Jedi like your father before you.

16-20 and you are truly a Jedi Master.

Next: The Force Awakens BTS: Poe Comes Back

Can you come up with some great three word descriptions of your own? Share them with us in the comments below or on Facebook.