Each year, during the Star Wars Celebration, talented artists from around the world submit their original artwork to the Star Wars Celebration Art Show. Here’s this year’s submissions…
The Star Wars Celebration Europe art show entries are in, and talented artist from across the globe, have passed a panel of Disney/Lucasfilm judges to earn their place in the show.
As is the case every year, each artist has created an exclusive Star Wars art print to be sold in limited numbers throughout the Star Wars Celebration weekend.
These art pieces are limited edition prints, and serve to highlight various different styles and Star Wars subjects. There are different Star Wars films covered, as well as the two animated series:
First we have a Star Wars Rebels art piece from artist Alex Buechel:
"Alex is a professional illustrator who has been working on officially licensed properties for almost a decade. While attending art school, Alex broke into the industry working on art for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars with the Topps Company. Today, his portfolio has expanded to include a large variety of properties including Star Wars, Indiana Jones,Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, Heroes, Lord of the Rings, Spartacus, Vampirella and more."
Next we have an homage to the Original Trilogy with: Wretched Hive by artist Brian DeGuire:
"Brian is an artist/illustrator who currently lives in the Midwest of the United States. He is best known for his sketch card work on Star Wars sets from Topps. He has also worked on various other properties over the years, but Star Wars will always be his favorite subject to draw."
Next we have an art piece that spans the entire saga with Echoes of the Empire from artist Crystal Fontan:
"Crystal is a graphic designer and illustrator, Star Wars aficionado, pizza enthusiast and pug lover who is originally from New York City, but is currently based in Denmark. She received a bachelor’s degree in media arts and animation from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale and works as a graphic designer for LEGO. She is also a part-time freelancer who has worked with companies such as Lucasfilm, Cartoon Network, Marvel, Disney, and TeeFury."
Finally, we have Luke Skywalker from The Force Awakens, with Exile by artist Drew Baker:
"Born in the Southwest of the United States, Drew studied Fine Art at Montserrat College of Art and Yale University. An award-winning artist and illustrator, he has done work for some of the most demanding and recognized global properties. His art is in private collections around the world."
This isn’t the only art available from the Star Wars Celebration, as there are loads more submissions. You can see the other art pieces by visiting the Star Wars Celebration Europe website.
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All these Star Wars inspired art pieces are amazingly detailed and are a fantastic representations of the diverse Star Wars fanbase. The Star Wars Celebration kicks off on July 15, and runs through to July 17.