Five Questions We Need Answered In the New Rogue One Trailer

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Look, at this point, if Emperor Palpatine isn’t in Rogue One, then it’s a darn travesty, Palps is arguably one of the most evil villains in cinematic history, and if you’re telling a prequel story to the original Star Wars film — that has to do with blowing-up the Empire’s super-weapon by the way — then you MUST have Emperor Palpatine as part of that story.

We all know that Darth Vader is going to be in Rogue One, and since we know that Vader answers to only one man in the entire galaxy, it makes sense that that man would be Galactic Emperor, Sheev Palpatine…or Darth Sidious, depending on his mood, I suppose.

But, just what has the Emperor been up to since we last saw him in Revenge of the Sith? Obviously he’s been ordering the extermination of the Jedi, but has he been cloning himself, like he did in the now relegated Star Wars legends books? Has he been making Inquisitors do his bidding like in Star Wars Rebels? I would like to see some screen-time with Palpatine in Rogue One. 

Next: Just who is Director Krennic, and what does he want?