Five Things We Want In Star Wars Rebels Season Three

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2. The Return of Obi Wan Kenobi

Maul’s appearance on Star Wars Rebels is the perfect opportunity to reintroduce Obi Wan Kenobi onto the small screen. He’s Maul’s oldest and biggest enemy, and if Rebels is to see the end of Maul at last, it only seems right to let Obi Wan make it happen.

“We will each be challenged…. But we must persevere and in time a new hope will emerge” – Obi Wan Kenobi

But there are other good reasons for the Jedi Master to make a cameo on the show. The rebels have just lost a powerful leader in Ahsoka Tano, and Kanan and Ezra especially may feel the need for a strong spiritual warrior to guide them once again. We all know Obi Wan doesn’t fill that void, unless he leaves Tatooine temporarily during his exile. But he could be an important source of hope, if he tells the rebels he’s guarding the future savior of the galaxy.

And, getting back to Maul, Obi Wan could also rid the rebels of a very dangerous enemy. On the other hand, he might teach Ezra an important lesson about resisting revenge.

Next: 3. Grand Admiral Thrawn