Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Trailer GIF Breakdown

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Speaking of the inclusion of the old Star Wars EU/Legend stories…here’s Thrawn! The Grand Admiral was introduced through Tarkin, which was a nice touch.

Thrawn already knows how to make an entrance, doesn’t he?

As you can see, much like in Timothy Zahn’s books Grand Admiral Thrawn studies his opponents for weaknesses, before striking.

Grand Admiral Thrawn being in Star Wars Rebels Season 3, makes this season all the more exciting.

Now if we could just get some confirmation about Ahsoka, our lives would be complete.

Next: The Six Films that Influenced Rian Johnson with Star Wars: Episode VIII

That’s it for the GIF breakdown, feel free to use them wherever you’d like. And as always, for all your Star Wars Rebels news, stay tuned to Dork Side of the Force, as we will bring you all the news and highlights as they happen.