With an all new Rogue One trailer set to debut on Thursday night, during NBC’s coverage of the Olympics, it’s time to get a refresher course on all the trailers we’ve seen, thus far…
Much like director J.J. Abrams did with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Rogue One director Gareth Edwards, has kept new scenes and footage from the film, to a bare-minimum. However, we do have one trailer, a Star Wars Celebration Sizzle Reel, and a TV spot with no new footage.
So, in the interest of staying current on all things Rogue One, before the new trailer hits on Thursday, let’s take a look at all the footage released.
We begin with official first trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story via Star Wars:
Nothing gets the chills running up and down one’s spine, like hearing that familiar Star Wars theme being ever-so-softly played in the background, as Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), is introduced. This trailer had it all: AT-AT’s attacking a beach, and Star Destroyers in orbit around the Death Star. There was no way any true Star Wars fan could not be excited over this trailer.
Then we hit a sort of dead-zone, in terms of Rogue One footage. Literally nothing was being released. All eyes focused on Star Wars Celebration Europe, and the hopes that a brand new Rogue One trailer would be shown…and one sort of was. via Star Wars:
That’s right, they cut and pasted some filming shots, slapped the name “Celebration Reel” on it, and called it good. Well, for Star Wars fans not in attendance at the Star Wars Celebration in London, that wasn’t good enough.
However, there was a minute-long trailer shown to the fans and media in attendance at the Celebration, in London. It had some new footage, but the biggest reveal was that of Darth Vader’s reflection on a data console, followed by the echo of his iconic heavy breathing. That trailer has never been officially released, but if you were so inclined, you can see a Vimeo upload of the footage, by clicking the link provided.
Next we have the very first television spot for Rogue One via moviemaniacsDE:
Sadly, this TV Spot gave us no new footage, just some cool and exciting scene, with the usual Star Wars tense music.
There was a commercial that aired on NBC, which started all this via JoBlo Movie Trailers:
Finally, we have our mini-teaser for the trailer that will air on Thursday night, during the Olympics, on NBC:
See the premiere of the new #RogueOne trailer during Olympic coverage this Thursday! pic.twitter.com/r7x7O8Hlj1
— Star Wars (@starwars) August 9, 2016
So there you have it, folks. All the known footage from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, compiled into one place, just for you.
Next: Rogue One: What Darth Vader means for Star Wars’ First Standalone Film
We want to hear from you: What has been you favorite scene, character, or vehicle, from the Rogue One trailers? Let us know in the comments below, and on social media.