5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Star Wars Rebels Season 2 On Blu Ray

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2. From Apprentice to Adversary: Vader vs. Ahsoka

The confrontation between Ahsoka Tano and Darth Vader was the most anticipated battle of Star Wars Rebels season 2. Fans waited a long time to see if Ahsoka would survive the encounter with her former master, or if she would be destroyed. You could slice the tension with a lightsaber.

Dave Filoni likewise waited a long time to tell the story of Ahsoka and Anakin meeting again. In From Apprentice to Adversary: Ahsoka Tano vs. Darth Vader, Dave Filoni talks about what led him to finally bring the story to Star Wars Rebels. He also discusses how the season 2 finale was constructed to build up to that final explosive moment in the Sith Temple.

Finally, Filoni makes a promise to the audience: one day, he will tell fans once and for all whether Ahsoka lives.

From Apprentice to Adversary: Ahsoka Tano vs. Darth Vader is a can’t-miss documentary. Watch it on the second disc of the Star Wars Rebels season 2 Blu-Ray set.

Next: 1. Star Wars Rebels Season 3