Rogue One: Loads of Jyn Erso toys set to hit shelves

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story does not hyper jump into theaters until December 16th, but that won’t stop a plethora of new Jyn Erso figures from flooding the market.

If there was ever any doubt that Jyn Erso would be the main heroine of the upcoming standalone Star Wars film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the sheer volume of toys of our new favorite rebel should leave no question as to who the star of this show is.

It should hopefully alleviate critics of Disney lack of female figurines in its Marvel line. Either way, it’s great to see Jyn front and center in both the movie, and its related marketing plan.

Entertainment Weekly rolled out a slew of pictures of the upcoming onslaught of Jyn Erso inspired figurines, and we have the top five for you. The toys range from the high end super detailed figurines, to the classic Hasbro figures perfect for battles on whatever planet you call your backyard grass.

We can only hope that when the rest of the characters receive their figures, they turn out half as good as some of these. So without further ado, let’s take a look at these awesome figurines!

Next: Hasbro 5.7in Jyn Erso