Disney’s first standalone Star Wars film, Rogue One, has received an official MPAA rating of PG-13 for “extended sequences of sci-fi violence and action.”
The days when live action Star Wars movies could get away with a PG rating from the MPAA are long gone. Per official sources, the MPAA rated Rogue One: A Star Wars Story PG-13 for “extended sequences of sci-fi violence and action.”
Star Wars Leaks reported the news with a screenshot showing the PG-13 rating, in what looks like a Rogue One television spot’s credit crawl. We found the rating displayed at the end of an official Rogue One behind the scenes featurette on YouTube.
Image Credit: Screenshot (photo library Elaine Tveit)
I’m not surprised Rogue One is rated PG-13. It’s been touted as a war movie ever since it was announced in 2015. And while PG flew for war movie violence a decade or so ago, it doesn’t pass now. Moreover, Rogue One is not the first Star Wars movie to receive a PG-13 rating: Revenge of the Sith came first in 2005, followed by The Force Awakens in 2015. In the future, Episode VIII and the Han Solo standalone movie will likely receive a similar treatment.
The reason for Rogue One‘s PG-13 rating is slightly different from that given for The Force Awakens‘s, however. The former contains “extended sequences of sci-fi violence and action,” while The Force Awakens merely has “sci-fi action and violence.” This slight difference means there are going to be a lot more battles happening in the standalone film than in Episode VII. Yes, we already guessed that from the trailer footage. But having it confirmed in the rating really hits home how violent this new Star Wars movie will be.
If you weren’t convinced this movie is going to be about war before, you should be now.
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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story premieres in theaters in the U.S. on December 16th.