15 New Rogue One Photos Released

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Darth Vader

credit: Jonathan Olley/© Lucasfilm LFL 2016. Image Credit: Jonathan Olley

James Earl Jones is back to voice the greatest villain to ever grace the big screen. Lucasfilm’s head of story development, Kiri Hart had this to say:

“There are military men who are interested in a really effective piece of military hardware, and Darth Vader is a little bit beyond that, right? He’s tapped into something on another level, on a spiritual level. So, that’s part of the fun of Vader in the context of the Imperial Military. He’s got a broader perspective.”

Of course, there’s another bad guy in Rogue One, and that’s Director Orson Krennic.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Ben Mendelsohn

credit: Jonathan Olley/© Lucasfilm LFL 2016. Image Credit: Jonathan Olley

Krennic is in charge of security for the Death Star and the man responsible for bringing Galen Erso, the scientist who created the Death Star) on board after the Geonosians were wiped out by the Empire. He and Vader will most certainly clash in Rogue One.