15 New Rogue One Photos Released

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Donnie Yen (L) and Felicity Jones (R)

Credit: Giles Keyte/© Lucasfilm LFL 2016. Image Credit: Giles Keyte

This photo looks like out heroes have been through the ringer. Jyn looks like she’s been in a literal storm, and Chirrut and Baze look like they are all but on their last leg. You can really start to get a feel for the dark and gritty nature of Rogue One, from this photo.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Donnie Yen and Wen Jiang with Rebel Marines. Image Credit: Giles Keyte

Here, Jyn gives her pep talk to the troops, ending with “May the Force be with us.” The Rebels look to really depend on Jyn Erso, which makes me wonder just how much responsibility she will have in the film.