Everything You Need to Know About Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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Image Credit: Lucasfilm via The Star Wars Show

You may scoff at this, but many, many fans don’t really understand the premise behind Rogue One. So here it is: The Rebels are on a mission to steal the plans to the first Death Star. This means that in fact, no Bothans died to bring us this information, because that all happened in Return of the Jedi.

Of course, there are a few more details to Rogue One than just the Rebels attempting to steal the plans to the Death Star. Let’s run down what we know for sure:

  • Jyn Erso is recruited by the Rebellion because her father Galen Erso who is key in building the Death Star.
  • Galen Erso sends a coded Imperial message that is intercepted by the Rebellion that says a major weapons test is imminent.
  • Jyn and Cassian Andor (her Rebel Alliance handler) recruit more Rebels on Jedha to help take down infiltrate the Empire.
  • Director Orson Krennic applies Imperial pressure.
  • Darth Vader is brought in.
  • The Clone Wars Veteran, Saw Gerrera, comes to the aid of the Rebels.
  • The Death Star is tested on Jedha.
  • The Rebellion focuses on the Imperial planet of Scarif where the Death Star is being constructed where the Empire’s base of operations is located. This is where the major battle should be held.

That’s what we know, from what we’ve gleaned from all the trailers and information released thus far. There is much, much more that will be in the film, and what we know is simply just scratching the surface, to be sure.