Everything You Need to Know About Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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via Lucasfilm

Seems silly, right? Star Wars Rebels, an animated kids cartoon about a bunch of Rebels causing problems for the Empire showing up on the big screen in Rogue One? That sounds absolutely ridiculous! But wait, what if we just get a cameo of the Rebels’ ship, the Ghost, in Rogue One? Would that be so ridiculous?

Seems like a recent trailer for the film has set the Star Wars subreddit Star Wars Leaks on fire. Redditor spaceboi428 started the conversation by bringing up the trailer. The Ghost presumably appears around the seven second mark.

Redditor Samuraistronaut did some detective work and compared the animated version with the actual trailer, and I’ve got to say, they look exactly alike!

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If this holds true, the only thing that would make this cameo better would be for Hera’s voice to be heard over a transmission barking order to the squadron, or for a possible Chopper sighting. If that happens, expect your local theater to explode with thunderous applause.