The 5 Best New Characters In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story introduced us to an entire cast of lovable new characters. We’ve chosen five of those characters for our 5 Best list.

There are so many great characters in Rogue One, I still have trouble picking a favorite. In spite of the sheer number of protagonists (six of them), plus a new villain, each character got his or her story arc. Jyn completed her father’s mission. Cassian was redeemed for the people he killed in service of the Rebellion. Chirrut proved his complete trust in the Force. Baze learned to be spiritual again. Bodhi found a new purpose. K-2SO got to use a blaster. And Krennic was destroyed by the very “planet-killer” he helped create.

How to choose which character had the best arc, the most poignant story, and the most entertaining on-screen presence? There are a few characters who stood out the most. Number 5 is on the next slide.