25 Star Wars characters who should get their own standalone film

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Image Credit: Lucasfilm

11. Jyn Erso

I personally loved this character, and I know I have Saw Gerrera and her father Galen Erso on the list as well. Clearly they all three can’t get a standalone film, there is too much connecting all them. I have Jyn on the list mainly because I think she is the one with the best chance of having Disney base a whole film around their early life and upbringing.

It would be an awesome story, though! Young Jyn Erso resentful and full of pain, and grief, after she lost her mother and father to the Galactic Empire, who rules the galaxy and oppresses every person on every planet. I bet she wonders what became of her father. Her mother was shot and killed before her very eyes. What about when Saw Gerrera leaves her in the bunker? Jyn is the perfect choice for a standalone film.