25 Star Wars characters who should get their own standalone film

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Image Credit: Lucasfilm

21. Galen Erso

I’m gonna go ahead and assume that if you are reading this, you have most likely seen Rogue One. So your aware of Galen Erso’s importance to the creation of the Death Star. More specifically, the science behind its super weapon that can destroy whole planets. In the opening scene, you may remember that Galen Erso and Imperial officer Orson Krennic make in clear in their first interaction of the film they have a history together. In the same conversation, Krennic says he needs him to go back to work on the Death Star. Making it clear that this won’t be his first go-round with working on the super weapon. Krennic even calls Lyra Erso, Galen’s wife, and Jyn’s mother, “troublesome as ever.”

I’m sure the history between these characters is thoroughly discussed in Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, which is a prequel to the Rogue one film. So if the story is already out there andRogue One was such a big hit. I would not be at all surprised if at some point in the future a character or two or three from Rogue One get a standalone film.