25 Star Wars characters who should get their own standalone film

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Image Credit: Lucasfilm

20. Princess Leia

I know this one may seem a little far-fetched, seeing that Leia has such a major role in the original trilogy. Plus the fact that she is so young in A New Hope, and I always interpreted her journey through the films as when she came of age, so to speak.

But where I can’t foresee Luke Skywalker getting a standalone, during the time period between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope at least, his life seems way too boring during that time, I could see where a film that follows Leia through her childhood and adolescence as royalty on Alderaan as being interesting.

I think a Princess Leia standalone film has tons of potential, it would be able to show life moments that made her grow into the strong and courageous leader we know from the original trilogy. Plus I would love to see how Alderrann looked and connects to some of the characters that would eventually die in the Death Star’s first planet sacrifice. One of my favorite things about Rogue One is how it transformed the way you view certain parts of the original trilogy. I think a Princess Leia film could potentially do that as well.