Here’s Vanity Fair’s The Last Jedi preview

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Image Credit: Lucasfilm

4. Carrie Fisher is in much more of The Last Jedi than she was in The Force Awakens.

VF notes that Carrie Fisher (General Leia) is in Star Wars: The Last Jedi much more than she was in The Force Awakens, and this is a very good thing. With the passing of Fisher in December of 2016, many fans wondered what Lucasfilm would do with the legacy she left behind, in Leia, but the legendary actress had already finished filming all her scenes for Episode VIII, before her tragic death.

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy commented on Fisher’s excitement once she wrapped her scenes for The Last Jedi:

"The minute she finished, she grabbed me and said, ‘I’d better be at the forefront of IX!’ Because Harrison was front and center on VII, and Mark is front and center on VIII. She thought IX would be her movie. And it would have been."

Sadly, we’ll only get the revised version of Leia’s involvement in the Episode IX storyline, and hopefully, when the sequel trilogy wraps up, we’ll find out more.