5 Star Wars characters who should get their own Marvel comic series

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4. Padme Amidala

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Another character who has not received her due in Star Wars stories recently is Padme Amidala. Padme’s life, her career, thoughts and emotions just beg to be revealed in a comic series. There are so many potential stories to explore: What led her to run for the office of Queen of Naboo and later, that world’s senator; her adventures in the ten-year span between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones; how she feels about keeping her marriage to Anakin Skywalker a secret; and her contribution to what would eventually become the Rebel Alliance, as glimpsed in a deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith. Plus, part and parcel of Padme’s story are her handmaidens, which many Star Wars fans (including myself) are dying to learn more about. A miniseries or one-off could easily tell the handmaidens’ stories, as well.

From a visual standpoint, a comic is the perfect medium for a story about Padme. One of the things I love about Padme is her costumes. They are all lavish and immaculately tailored, and they each tell a story. With the right artist, a Padme comic series could be just as luscious to look at as to read.

All in all, the lack of Padme stories is something Lucasfilm needs to remedy. They can start that process by commissioning her a comic series from Marvel.