5 Star Wars characters who should get their own Marvel comic series

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2. Jyn Erso

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

(Felicity Jones)

Ph: Film Frame

©Lucasfilm LFL

Perhaps because I recently read the excellent book, Rebel Rising which is all about the Rogue One heroine, I’m dying for more stories about Jyn Erso. Through watching Rogue One and reading Rebel Rising, I have come to love and understand Jyn’s character to be deeply tragic as well as beautiful. She is so relatable and human. I can’t get enough of her at this point. However, I’m not sure that there is enough left to reveal about her character for Lucasfilm to write her another book. A comic miniseries, however, could tell one or a handful of quick tales about her. Like Jyn, these issues would be small but pack a hard punch. There are plenty of stories about Jyn for Marvel to choose from. They could tell certain scenes from Rogue One from her perspective; show some of her adventures with Saw Gerrera; and/or chronicle her struggle through the galaxy on her own after Saw abandons her.

Marvel recently showed a willingness to feature main characters from the new movies in one-off issues or short series. Cassian Andor and K-2SO from Rogue One, for example, will get their own standalone issue in August. Hopefully, a Jyn Erso comic follows soon after.