Our Star Wars: The Last Jedi behind the scenes reel breakdown

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Lucasfilm concluded its time in Hall D23, at D23 in Anaheim Saturday, July 15, when it dropped a behind the scenes reel of The Last Jedi…

When Lucasfilm took the Hall D23 stage this weekend, it was announced that president Kathleen Kennedy would not be there, as she had flown to London to oversee the still untitled Han Solo film with new director Ron Howard. Hundreds of excited fans in attendance, and the millions refreshing Twitter from home, waited in anticipation.

In Kennedy’s place, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson took the stage, along with several cast members and shared many behind the scenes photos with the crowd. Soon after, Mark Hamill joined the gathering, and a BTS Reel was shown that ended up being quite stunning and kind of revealing. Check it out:

So, right off the bat, this was, in my opinion, a better than usual BTS reel. Of course, Lucasfilm has kind of set the bar with BTS reels in the past. Remember that Rogue One sizzle reel from last year? We do, and it featured SPACE MONKEY!

And, while there was a noticeable lack in SPACE MONKEY (a name that must be yelled at the top of one’s lungs or typed in all caps every time), it did have an adorable creature called a Porg, and it is the most adorable thing on the face of Ahch-to.

Besides the Porg nearly stealing the show, I kind of feel like this Chewbacca photo might be the most memed photo of 2017, before it’s all said and done.

Speaking of Chewie, here he is sitting by a fire, under the Millennium Falcon.

Here, we have a good look at Finn, in a yellow flight suit.

Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) and director Rian Johnson share a moment.

Carrie Fisher as General Leia. Prepare to fire the feels cannon. Fire at will.

And in this shot, we have Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker taking the ancestral blue Skywalker lightsaber from Rey. Hmm.

Here’s another angle of the above shot. This is where 2015’s The Force Awakens will merge into this December’s The Last Jedi.

Keeping it in the family, Luke’s bratty nephew Kylo Ren makes an appearance.

The Resistance hangar before it gets blown to hell.

And here, we have another shot of the late, great Carrie Fisher, as she converses with director Rian Johnson. Dammit, man! I told you to prepare to fire the feels cannon!