Our Star Wars: The Last Jedi behind the scenes reel breakdown

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Rose and Finn steal some First Order uniforms and sneak onto the enemy base. I feel like I’ve seen this play out in other films before.

Look who has the melted mask now!

A few A-Wings prepare to get blown to bits.


Fire all the feels at once. FIRE ALL THE FEELS!


Kylo Ren unmasked.

Canto Bite casino, packed with gamblers.

More of the same.

Sir, our shields can’t take another shot of feels!

I just want to put this little guy in my pocket and carry him/her/it around with me everywhere I go.

Carrie Fisher’s daughter, Billie Lourd.

Master Luke in a cool shot.

The First Order take a hit.

John and Daisy cut a rug.

Finn, Rose, and Poe make plans.

Kylo Ren takes a meeting, sans helmet.

This shot of Rey with hood drawn, lightsaber ready to strike, is badass.

Please sir, no more feels.

It’s a WRAP!

We want to hear from you: What do you think of these BTS Reel stills? What caught your eye? Let’s discuss in the comments below.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15.