25 Star Wars TV shows we really want to see

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Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

16. Adventures of Han and Chewie

Han and Chewie. Hearing those names just makes my geek heart melt. When Han Solo went down with Starkiller Base at the hands of his son Kylo Ren, all of his stories seem to have been lost.

Fear not, Star Wars fans, we have a Han Solo film on the horizon, with hopefully some more on the way. An animated version of the Wookiee and the scruffy smuggler would be perfect, which can encompass two eras.

We could venture into their Imperial entanglements working for Jabba, or dance around the area leading up to The Force Awakens. Visiting his home planet of Corellia and the Wookiee home-world of Kashyyyk are musts while traveling the galaxy as a whole would be so much fun.

This would be a nice follow up to the upcoming film, and a good complimentary piece to the Aftermath: Life Debt novel.