Taiwanese subtitles for The Last Jedi trailer reveal major clues


The latest trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi is nearly two weeks old now, but new information keeps surfacing on clues for the upcoming film…

When the latest trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi dropped on Monday Night Football nearly two weeks ago, we were left with more questions than answers. Most likely, many of the scenes from the footage were used as misdirection, trying to prevent spoilers as much as possible. With Taiwanese subtitles recently added for viewers in Taiwan, there could be some clues that are quite telling, thanks to the StarWarsLeaks subreddit.

"When Snoke says: “When I found you”, the subtitle uses the feminine “you” which is “妳” as oppose to the gender neutral “you” which is “你”. The former is the combination the word “女”, which means female and “尔” which means Snoke is talking to a female character."

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

If those subtitles were used correctly, this could be a major reveal. Snoke is talking, who we think to be Kylo Ren, describing the raw power and someone truly special. But, if he’s referring to Rey, then Snoke may know more about the scavenger than we’ve realized. Is he the one who dropped her off on Jakku? Is Rey going to give in to the temptations of the Dark Side? Snoke could have been planning on betraying Kylo Ren all along. Remember when Han Solo told his son Kylo — the former Ben Solo — that Snoke would crush him once he got what he wanted? With the Jedi gone and Rey’s Force powers awakening, Snoke might be ready to crush his apprentice, while attempting to seduce Rey to take Kylo’s place at his side.

Wait, there’s more. We then get a breakdown of who Luke is talking to in the trailer as well:

"Luke says “This is not going to go the way you think” , the “you” again is written “你”, which means the Luke is talking to a male character. At this point, Luke is probably not talking to Rey, but someone else."

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

This opens up Pandora’s box on the endless possibilities of where this film could go. If Luke is talking to a male character, which you would think would be Kylo Ren, we could be in store for a huge reveal in this film.

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

This scene could be describing a flashback scene, the very one where we see Luke’s Jedi Temple, and future, crumbling right before his eyes. He could be warning Kylo that what he’s doing will not end well for the young man. Or it could be later in the film, where Kylo could confront Luke, with the Jedi Master reaching out to his nephew one last time.

Next: We dissect TLJ trailer in our screencap breakdown

Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters worldwide on December 15.

Learn how you can buy tickets here.