Solo: A Star Wars Story: Things we’d like to see

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Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

Now that we have an official title for the Han Solo film, Solo: A Star Wars Story, here are some of the things we’d like to see in the smuggler’s feature.

When Han Met Chewie…

It’s long been a part of Star Wars lore that Han saved Chewie from imperial enslavement. It would be great if the start to one of film’s greatest friendships is captured in the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story movie. In Star Wars Legends Han joins the Imperial Academy after being orphaned as a young boy and spending his formative years as a criminal.

It is during this time that Han prevents an imperial officer from using a neuronic whip on Chewie and subsequently leaves the empire. He helps Chewie escape in the process and is re-payed with a life debt. Hopefully, the film will give us some variation on the origin of their start as Star Wars most dynamic duo.

You no good swindler…

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

Another moment that has long been established in Star Wars lore is when Han wins the Falcon from Lando.  The movie needs to begin with the Falcon in Lando’s possession. We need to see Han use his cunning to sway Lando wager the Falcon, and see Han win it fair and square. In a perfect world, this would be over a hand of Sabacc.

We get a taste of Lando’s Sabacc skills within the canon, when he swindles Zeb by hitting the jackpot hand of an “idiot’s array”, which best the Lasat’s “Sabacc” in an episode of Star Wars Rebels.