Spoilers: The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary has leaked

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Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

Luke Skywalker

Maybe the most revealing of all the contents of this Star Wars visual guide is the state of mind of Luke Skywalker. Also, more information on his Jedi Academy, as well.

  • Luke takes the Barash Vow, which originated from the Darth Vader (2017) comic
  • Skywalker takes that vow due to his failings of his nephew, the Jedi, and the galaxy as a whole
  • He did not suspect or sense Rey’s arrival
  • Luke cut off his connection to the Force once he went into exile
  • He DID NOT know of Han Solo’s death or the tragedy inflicted by Starkiller Base
  • His life has come full circle, where he has turned into a farmer once again, and ironically, Ahch-To is a planet with twin suns.
  • He also learned how to fish
  • Luke’s T-65 X-Wing crashed on Ahch-To, where it’s currently buried underwater
  • He uses scrap from it, as Yoda did with his escape pod on Dagobah, as a door for his living quarters
  • It took Luke years upon years to finally start his Jedi Academy
  • Luke gathered many artifacts and visited many worlds in his quest in reestablishing the Jedi order, intentionally taking his time
  • Ben Solo was in his twentys before Luke was ready to begin teaching
  • Luke is now incredibly well-versed in Force history
  • Luke intended to train Leia first, but she politely declined his offer
  • His Jedi disciples where recruited during visits to many worlds over two decades
  • The compass from Battlefront II is mentioned, hinting at its importance
  • The location of his Jedi temple was kept secret to the galaxy

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

  • The galaxy did not learn of Luke’s Jedi destruction by Kylo Ren until years afterward
  • The trees seen in the trailers are Force sensitive
  • Luke’s necklace contains fragments of a Sith Lightsaber crystal (Vader’s?)
  • He refuses to help Rey when she first arrives
  • The “Prime Jedi” was the original ancient Jedi Order, known for its balance
  • Luke does wish for the Jedi to end
  • Over his years of studying, Luke discovers the continued cycle of the Force shifting, with the galaxy taking a significant toll over and over again throughout the years.
  • His green lightsaber is nowhere in sight within the text
  • We will learn more about ancient Jedi texts and Force history, both Dark and Light
  • Luke was great friends with Lor San Tekka
  • Revan (from Legends) and Luke share a connection
  • R2-D2 will attempt to cheer up Luke, reminding him of the good times they’ve shared over the years