Star Wars: The Last Jedi deleted scenes are revealed

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Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

Entertainment Weekly reveals descriptions of deleted scenes from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and boy are we in for a treat!

Our friends at Entertainment Weekly dropped a major bomb on us, revealing descriptions and full details on deleted scenes for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. There has been so much new information released recently that has added to The Last Jedi experience in significant ways! These deleted scenes, though sadly cut from the final version of the film, add a lot to the lore and grant us deeper insight into some beloved characters in the film. Read on for a preview of five of the most revealing deleted scenes.

BB8 Reveals Rey’s Goodbye

In one of the deleted scenes, we see a conflicted Finn trying to decide whether he should abandon the Resistance to save Rey or stay and fight. When BB8 finds him, Finn is watching a hologram of Rey saying an emotional goodbye to an unconscious Finn.

The two friends don’t spend a whole lot of time together in The Last Jedi, so according to Johnson the point of this scene was to remind the audience of the strong bond that Finn and Rey share. Their friendship is such a powerful driving force in this trilogy and this was meant to be a way to keep that connection vibrant.

Johnson said he was disappointed to have to cut this scene for the sake of pace, especially because Boyega delivered a funny line. He chides BB8 for filming this private moment between him and Rey, saying: “That’s kind of creepy you recorded that.” Though we may agree that it was invasive of BB8, I think we’re all glad we get a snippet of the parting words between Rey and Finn.