Photo Credit: Bethesda
An Open-World Role Playing Game by Bethesda
Arguably one of the best open-world video game series of all time is The Elder Scrolls, created by Bethesda. The most recent main installment in the franchise, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, drops players into a massive, open world and lets them explore to their heart’s delight. Seriously. No tedious tutorials, no rules, no mandatory quests. Skyrim literally lets players go anywhere and do just about anything.
Bethesda is known for these types of games. In addition to the Elder Scrolls series, they’re the masterminds behind the Fallout franchise – a gaming experience similar in style to The Elder Scrolls, but set in a post-nuclear-apocalypse modern society. Both The Elder Scrolls and Fallout feature enormous maps, intricate leveling systems, in-depth character inventories, and strong combat mechanics. The in-game worlds are also affected by player choices: for example, you could recruit a follower who could perish while following you into battle. You not only have to deal with the emotional impacts of killing someone who trusted you, but also the practical consequences of losing a helping hand during combat. Or you could always reload your last save…
A Star Wars game set in a Bethesda style open world in the vein of The Elder Scrolls or Fallout would be any fan’s dream come true. The freedom to choose is what Bethesda does best, and being dropped into a Star Wars environment with no rules or expectations would let players create their own stories and Star Wars memories.
Imagine waking up a prisoner on a freighter. After breaking free of your cell and taking over the ship, maybe with the help of a few other prisoners representing a variety of alien species, you’re free to land on and explore a multitude of planets from the Star Wars universe. Similar to the cities and towns in The Elder Scrolls and Fallout, each planet would have its own leader, economic system, and a plethora of side-quests just waiting for a hero to set them as “active.” Just like Skyrim’s variety of playable species, a Star Wars game by Bethesda could allow players to experience life as a human, Twi’lek, Wookiee, Ewok, droid, Bith, Trandoshan, or any of the vast array of species from a galaxy far, far away.
If you need any further proof that a Bethesda Star Wars game is a must-have, go boot up Skyrim again – or, for the first time – and see for yourself.