Artist sheds light on harassment Star Wars actors have faced over the years

Artist Andrew Dobson creates a piece that sheds light on the harassment many Star Wars actors have faced.

When Ahmed Best wrote he contemplated suicide after the backlash he received for his role as Jar Jar Binks, many people were outraged. Regardless of how bad a character is/was, the actor should never get such vitriol thrown at them.

But the sad thing is it isn’t the first or the last time this type of thing happened in the Star Wars world.

Most recently, Kelly Marie Tran who played Rose in Star Wars: The Last Jedi faced so much harassment she deleted her Instagram account. We can list all of the actors who suffered similarly, but artist Andrew Dobson created a piece of artwork that showcases what many actors in the Star Wars world have had to face better than words can show.

While there is a bit of editorial content in the artwork, it’s also striking. The art features Jake Lloyd as Young Anakin, Best, John Boyega who plays Finn in the current trilogy, Tran, Daisy Ridley as Rey, and George Lucas.

Dobson added the caption:

"I think this is why a lot of “fans” don’t like SW:TLJ. They don’t like being told that what they’re doing is bad and irremediable. No matter what you think about a piece of media… NOTHING justifies this sort of harassment. Disney knows this, and they’re calling you out for it."

Seeing all of it one place it tough. To put it mildly: we have to be better. It’s one thing not to like a movie or a character. But an entirely different thing to harass, yell and shame people for doing their job. It’s OK to be critical without being a jerk.

But it seems some still haven’t learned that yet.

Next: Kelly Marie Tran’s social media exit reveals Dark Side of Star Wars fandom

It would semm many would agree with Dobson as his post has been shared more than 15,000 times. He isn’t pinning the attacks on an entire fanbase, but the part of it that has made people such as Best, Lloyd and Tran feel belittled and ridiculed for their parts in Star Wars.

While everyone won’t like the artwork, it’s something that needs to be said and brought into light as a reminder of the toxicity that can overshadow a fan base.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is currently streaming on Netflix.