Solo: Does it have life after home video release?


After a disappointing showing in at the box office, can home video sales spur Solo towards a sequel?

If you’ve seen Solo: A Star Wars Story, then you know the end of the film could set up a sequel. However in order for a sequel to be made, the film needed to continue Star Wars’ string of box office success, but the the film failed to live up to it’s own lofty box office projections.

Whether it was Star Wars fatigue or simply no desire to see anyone other than Harrison Ford play Han Solo, fans of the franchise simply were not drawn to the theaters. All the drama surrounding the production did not help build anticipation for the film. And all the rumors surrounding Alden Ehrenreich during production quite possibly could have caused many fans both passionate and casual to wait for a home video release.

Solo: A Star Wars Story has received mostly positive reviews from the fans and critics alike. Tagged as a flawed but fun film, Solo was certainly captured the spirit of George Lucas’ original. A heist film that fit well within the defined Star Wars universe. It paid homage to the original trilogy and the expanded universe alike, and allowed us to see some of our favorites characters in all their previously unseen glory.

Whether you were charmed by an extremely suave Lando Calrissian or cheered when finally seeing Chewbacca tear arms out of sockets, there was a little bit everything for fans of the Franchise to love.

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

Can a Solo: A Star Wars Story become a cult classic?

It’s hard to imagine any Star Wars installment being considered a cult classic, but Solo could possibly become that. With so many Easter eggs from the EU and highly anticipated moments in the movie, it could find life after the box office on home video.  However can it find enough life to warrant a sequel is the bigger question.

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If not immediately, Solo could hit cult status a few years down the road when it’s target audience of kids aged 9-13 hit their adult years. Much in the same way the prequel trilogy struck a louder chord with the children who watched them at the time of their release, Solo can do the same for younger Star Wars fans. And although older fans of the franchise may be uncomfortable watching another actor take on the mantle of Han Solo, new fans to the franchise most likely will not have the same hang ups.

Is a Solo sequel a reasonable gamble?

Another question to be answered is whether Lucasfilm and Disney choose to continue with a sequel despite its lackluster box office performance. Perhaps a film with more intimate settings and a smaller budget, one that establishes Han Solo as the smuggler of choice for Jabba the Hutt. One where we see the fates of Qi’Ra, and Enfys Nest play out. One where a certain bounty hunter is brought into the fold. Considering the sizable success Disney has had with the Franchise, perhaps a second gamble with Solo is a chance they’re willing to take.

The home video sales for Solo: A Star Wars Story could ultimately help Lucasfilm and Disney make that decision. If most fans who skipped the theater take the plunge on the September 14 home video release date, there’s a good chance that Solo could still be considered a financial success. The film’s rental availability should also help increase sales.  Once you’ve seen Solo there’s a good chance you’re going to want to see it again.

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In all there may be hope for those of us who are, clamoring for a sequel. There are still some questions regarding everyone’s favorite scoundrels that need to be answered. At the very least wouldn’t we all love to see Darth Maul back on the big screen.

Solo: A Star Wars Story DVD and Blu Ray release on September 14.