Review: Star Wars: Beckett #1 brings us more heist stories


Marvel released a one-shot about Beckett that gives us a look at what things were like before he met Han Solo. Here’s our review of the issue.

Star Wars: Beckett #1 brings us three quick tales about various jobs Beckett, Val and Rio go on. It’s all about the take for Beckett and his crew. For those who have seen Solo: A Star Wars story, these stories won’t really come as a surprise.

“The Man in Black” is the first of the three stories and it is illustrated by Edgar Salazar. The entire issue is written by Gerry Duggan, so the story stays consistent. In this first one, we see Beckett walk in as a shadowy figure as Rio is playing Neerok. It’s an easy take as they just scare everyone off and take the credits. However, it is fun to see Beckett play the “evil wizard” as Rio calls him. They also try to add to the take as they go after Dvorad and actually find his ship.

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“To Live and Die On Hovun IV” is illustrated by Mark Laming and the tone remains pretty consistent with the art. It picks up with the crew finding Dvorad’s ship and Beckett decides that he’s going to go in for the other score. After some nice action sequences, we see him barely make it out. Val is a bit worried about how close they cut it with that one. At the end, she also mentions responding to a transmission from Dryden Vos.

This leads us into the third and final story, “You and the Bantha You Rode In On,” which is illustrated by Will Sliney. His art has a slightly different feel, but not enough so to where it distracts from the story. This one gives us a look at Enfys Nest, too, when she tricks Beckett and his crew into thinking the transmission was from Dryden. Nest doesn’t get what she came for as Beckett blows up the ship and they then slip away from the Stormtroopers who show up.

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This comic doesn’t add a whole lot to Beckett’s character that we didn’t already know, but it leads into the Solo: A Star Wars Story comic adaptation fairly well. It’s just a fun read that allows us to see more of Val and Rio, who weren’t as prominent in the movie as Beckett or Han. It isn’t a must-read, but if you have the time, it’s worth checking out for some extra heist stories.